Wasi-chu “Wasi-chu”
Year: 2015
Genre: Hardcore punk, Crust
Country: Canada
Track List:
- Embers
- 1789
- Reclaim
- Exodium
- Liberté, égalité, fraternité
- Static
- Moths
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted and I apologize. I have been extremely busy with school, recording bands, and trying to get some shit in my life together. I will be posting a bunch of music momentarily so stay tuned.
Wasi-chu is a band from my homecity of Windsor, Ontario where I’m proud to say that it has one of the best music scenes in all of Canada. Wasi-chu is the collaborative effort of a variety of musicians I’ve played alongside but is mostly fronted and composed by Judah Zakoor and Mattu Findlater of the similar and now defunct project Valerie Page. I also record music with Mattu under our project with the joke name of Narcthrone. We take ourselves seriously though… I swear…
As with these projects and most of the projects that they get into, they’re explicitly left-wing/anarchist/anti-capitalist in nature and feature a chunk of samples from various political media. The music is heavy, tight, and melodically sound.
Wasi"chu - S/T (2015)
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