The Friday MP3 Shuffle #263

48 The Friday MP3 Shuffle #263

Friday. Fun mix. Few people will download this, I can tell. The names involved aren’t well-known enough for the casual blog-reader to bother downloading it. They’ll miss out, sure. But they won’t know. Ignorance is bliss. The few of you who do bother to download it are in for a treat, though. Because this mix is awesome. They all are. All of them.

I check the stats, I know some of you only take a fleeting glance at the tracklist and decide to not bother. You download on a case-by-case basis. Which is fine, I get it. Then there are those of you who download everything I post, perhaps out of some trust that I will always provide you with quality music, that whatever I offer will be worth your time. Which is 100% correct – that is exactly what I do.

But those people who only download what looks familiar and appealing to them instead of taking a leap of faith with a bunch of acts they’ve never heard of? I like them to. Just not as much. How many of you are familiar with Bruce Banner or Nausea? How about Lo! or Dobermann Cult? Not many, I’d wager. Are you still willing to take a chance?

I dunno, are you?

Are you?

(zip) MP3 Shuffle #263 (61 mb)

1. Intronaut – Australopithecus (2008)
2. Coalesce – Every reason to (2004)
3. The Abominable Iron Sloth – Parasite Hilton and other flaws inherent to wealth (2006)
4. Bruce Banner – Final command (2004)
5. The Melvins – Dr. Mule (2013)
6. Nausea – Cybergod (1991)
7. Tragedy – Vengeance (2003)
8. Dobermann Cult – No tolerance for intolerance (2013)
9. The Hope Conspiracy – Suicide design (2006)
10. Lo! – Bloody vultures (2013)
11. Totalt Jävla Mörker – De naglar fast mig p

The Friday MP3 Shuffle #263

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