Comparison of LG Optimus G Pro vs Lenovo K900

Comparison of LG Optimus G Pro vs Lenovo K900 – Intense competition in the market share of gadgets make some vendor launched its latest products. In addition to competition between vendors, competition is more put on the performance of products from each vendor. The following reviews of android review between the original vendor Korea namely LG Optimus G Pro with Chinese origin i.e. vendor Lenovo K900. As to whether the specifications of LG Optimus G Pro vs Lenovo K900? Therefore, check out his review below:

Comparison of LG Optimus G Pro vs Lenovo K900

LG Optimus G Pro vs Lenovo K900 performance

In terms of the performance of these two Smartphone have a much different performance. Layout of the difference in processors used by both products. Lenovo K900 relies on PC and laptop’s processor is the Intel Atom. While the LG Optimus G Pro from Qualcomm Snapdragon uses. The difference of this Smartphone can both toughness was tested with some software such as Quadrant, which gave a different assessment between the two. LG Optimus G Pro tougher than Lenovo K900.

Similarly, when you play a video clip in MP4 format turned out to be both could play files perfectly. However visually noticeable difference, LG Optimus G Pro look more bright color contrasts with the more superior when compared to Lenovo K900. Battery endurance both qualified enough with some use of the purposes of being able to overcome by both. To focus more attention on the level over heats the battery. Battery owned Lenovo K900 faster heat when playing games that are not too long. While the LG Optimus G Pro is relatively warmer.

Additionally in terms of audio, the audio, which owned both the Smartphone, is also slightly different. The overall quality of the music is good. A different look at the settings. LG Optimus G Pro does not deliver a combination Dolby mobile equalizer and the hands free have not been plugged.

Other Lenovo K900, which gives ten, option the equalizer. However, the shortage on LG Optimus G Pro covered with hands free that produce a good sound, although Lenovo K900 is also not less good. Variants also provide an important role due to the speed of data transfer has become an absolute necessity for the users of Smartphone. To send pictures with the same file capacity, LG Optimus G Pro is more capable than Lenovo K900. For Wi-Fi and hotspots are both quick to connect to the other device but the battery becomes exhausted quickly. Internal memory usage in both this Smartphone is big enough that is 10 GB. The difference lies in the external memory, LG Optimus G Pro giving slot Micro SD with a maximum capacity of 32 GB, while Lenovo K900 does not provide slots for external memory.

Comparison of LG Optimus G Pro vs Lenovo K900

Design of the LG Optimus G Pro vs Lenovo K900

Next in terms of both product design is much different. LG Optimus G Pro memorable dynamic with the characteristic angle rounded. While Lenovo K900 more shaped box. The Material used is the LG Optimus G Pro looks good compared to Lenovo K900. However, the plastic-based body on LG Optimus G Pro Smartphone impressive worth of expensive it became slightly reduced.
LG Optimus G Pro vs Lenovo K900

Shortage of materials on LG Optimus G Pro body covered with the texture of futuristic style. Others with Lenovo K900 are packed with gorgeous wrap of golden brown color with casing that looks tough on the front and back cover. The Material used is a plastic-based Lenovo K900 but still elegant and increasingly looked to be firmly with the four bolts locking the back. Taste the grasping second Smartphone really is different. The glossy Body to offer LG Optimus G Pro can be fitted and comfortable grip. While Lenovo K900 impressed stiff but still showed the class of its own.

LG Optimus G Pro is much lighter than Lenovo K900. Proven when outdoors more comfortable readability level than Lenovo K900. Weakness in the Lenovo K900 was saved by the presence of a protective layer Corning Gorilla Glass 2. The characteristics of the display on the main menu and the second on the Smartphone’s home screen are also different. LG Optimus G Pro more distinctive touches. Home screen with default widgets appear on the face. Face Jelly Bean operating system offers seven main page.

While Lenovo K900 differ slightly, the number of the main page there are nine fruit. There are interesting at the time visiting the main menu LG Optimus G Pro, where there are 30 icons on display each page as compared with Lenovo K900 just 20 icon so that it is less advantageous for users.

LG Optimus G Pro vs Lenovo K900 camera

Cameras that use the LG Optimus G pro and Lenovo K900 have characters with different cameras. LG Optimus G Pro in a dark room can give positive results than Lenovo K900. On the LG Optimus G Pro, locking the object quickly react so results remain focused and not looming.

While Lenovo’s result does not look optimal Lenovo K900 shown with images that are blurry and not so sharp sand. Locking the object cannot focus so that the camera seems confused to determine direction. In a room lit the lamp, the resulting image LG Optimus G Pro more visible light and charming. Outdoors, the camera quality LG Optimus G Pro too bright so the photo looks less comfortable seen eyes. However, such shortcomings can be overcome by settings.

While Lenovo K900 could get the results more real and diverse because the phone is equipped with a variety of options with varied results for effect. Front camera Lenovo K900 wider-angle yields compared to the LG Optimus G Pro. Well, here are the preferred users who frequent the wide angle photo because it is profitable. Similarly, when a video-based communication can contain pictures that are not just with one person but an object that is recorded can be expanded.

Therefore, that is the comparison of LG Optimus G Pro vs Lenovo K900. You just choose which one between the LG Optimus G pro and Lenovo K900

Comparison of LG Optimus G Pro vs Lenovo K900

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