Lowongan Kerja PT Nufarindo Desember 2013

Lowongan Kerja PT Nufarindo Desember 2013 – PT Nufarindo just became a member of CHEMO GROUP – a multinational pharmaceutical company, based in Madrid, Spain. The completed transaction in Indonesia just represents the kick-off to an exciting journey, which is meant to transform a good local company into a leading player in the field of branded products. The senior management team has a proven track-record of having successfully managed such transition in the past…

Lowongan Kerja PT Nufarindo Desember 2013

Our ambition is to outperform the market consistently by maintaining a full customer focus, paired with a un-bureaucratic working environment that allows our people to act flexible within a defined borders.

In the future we will focus in the segments Women Health, Respiratory as well as CNS, but we will also try to grow in niches that appear attractive.

Our main goal for the years 2013-2015 is a massive geographical expansion throughout Indonesia, as well as an upgrade of many other functions in the organization.

If you rate yourself as as a result-driven associate who is committed to follow the highest standards if it comes to integrity and work-ethics and if you are able to create or follow strong processes that were designed to differentiate us from our competition, please continue to read this AD and send us your application !

Lowongan Kerja PT Nufarindo Desember 2013 Palembang

ACCOUNT OFFICER (Sales Representative) – PALEMBANG

Tanggung Jawab di PT Nufarindo:

Fokus melayani pelanggan

Membuat, melaksanakan dan mengembangkan rencana pemasaran

Menguasai product knowledge and memahami sales area

Melaksanakan rencana pemasaran dan mencapai target penjualan di areanya

Melaksanakan dan mengembangkan rencana pemrasaran yang telah disusun

Mempersiapkan dan menyajikan laporan bulanan secara akurat dan tepat waktu

Syarat Lowongan Kerja PT Nufarindo:

Berpengalaman di bidang yang sama minimal 1 tahun

Pendidikan minimal SMA/D3/S1 dari segala jurusan

Dapat bekerja dalam tim, mempunyai kemampuan komunikasi dan negosiasi yang baik

Mempunyai sepeda motor sendiri dan SIM C

Komunikatif dan energik

Lebih diutamakan berpengalaman di bidang bisnis, bisnis mikro, sales

Lebih disukai mampu berbahasa Inggris, minimal pasif

Lowongan Kerja PT Nufarindo Terbaru Desember 2013

Join us for a bright future ! Send your application, CV, recent colour photograph (4 x 6), copy of ID Card, copy of Diploma and transcipt of grades, a copy SIM C / SIM A to:



PO BOX 1190 / SM

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Lowongan Kerja PT Nufarindo Desember 2013

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